

519 7755

857 0899

555 1400

662 3400

Monday to Thursday 18 - 22 and other hours for groups.

519 6566

486 8870

517 2020

435 1430

482 4829 / 899 7748

Allt Árið

435 6611

783 9393

519 8600

475 6670

466 2040

487 4900

438 6770

487 1515

412 4600

478 1400

899 4541

865 6740

463 1500

435 0002

453 5060

Frá 1. apríl til 1. janúar. Mán. - fim. 11-14 og 18-22. Fös. - sun. 11-22.

464 4164

460 1600

Sun. - Thu. 11:30-21. Fri. - Sat. 11:30-22.

464 2442

483 1550

Wednesday to Friday 16-21, weekends 12-21 (see website or Facebook for more details)